Monday, 2 April 2007

Text Blog Entry Three -- Missing English tramper now likely dead

Today, I read the news in NZ Herald that an elder English tramper who had been missing for 5 nights in the Otago bush. The article says that the police are considering whether to continue searching for him.

Although the news is very bad, there are some past perfect simples worthy of study in this article. For example, "More than 30 SAR personnel had been in Siberia Valley searching on foot, from helicopters, at night and using dogs for four days." This sentence uses past perfect and refers to "Sergeant Aaron Nicholson, Wanaka police search and rescue coordinator, said no searches were being carried out today". It means what they did before their decision to call off the search.

Another sample, "but realistic that it was unlikely he had survived because of the length of time he had been missing and his health", because the writer thinks "missing" was continuing and "missing English tramper now likely dead". Therefore, he used past perfect and past perfect continuing.

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