Sunday, 24 June 2007

Text Blog Entry - News Summary

The Education Minister is searching for new methods to solve truancy problem - national problem. Truancy rates have increased 41 per cent since 2002 in New Zealand. There were 30,000 children a day wagging school last year. Truancy office had heavy-load work and schools need greater resources and more support. The reasons for truanting still should be considered. A new electronic enrolment system will be available by the end of the year.

In this article, "District Truancy Services are contracted by the ministry to support schools with non-attending students" uses present simple passive form.
"how to deal with truancy will look at techniques used in other countries" uses participle to modify techniques.
"a date has not yet been set for the scheme to be extended across the country" uses present perfect passive form.
"These hard-working people on the front line need to be given greater support" uses modal verb passive infinitive.

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