Friday, 15 June 2007

Text Blog Entry Five - My Break

I really want to say these two weeks holiday kept me very busy. All my original plans went away like foamflowers. I also had very bad luck.

First of all, I got my first time car accident. One old lady’s car kissed my car’s behind on New North Road. I felt very frustrated and little bit nervous because it was the first time for me being caught in this situation. It kept me busy on contacting insurance company and driving to the garage.

Secondly, my car’s window was broken when I parked at AUT city campus on Friday night and my bag was stolen. Oh, New Zealand isn't paradise.

Finally, my expensive washing machine was broken by my flatmate’s wrong using. She connected the drain hose with the intake switch. The fall tube inside the washing machine was broken and whole garage was covered by water. It was terrible. And the maintenance might cost more than two hundred dollars.

Anyway, bad luck is always followed by good one. I hope the bad luck leaves me alone.

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