Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Oral Blog Entry Seven - Diploma Lecture 2 (First Aid)

The lecture on May 8 was given by Dave Griffiths about First Aid.

Above of all, he told us what to do when somebody needs help. First of all, call 111 ( by the way, this is a free number). Usually, it will take 35 minutes. Before the amblance arrives, give them first aid.
When you begin to give somebody first aid, you should stop and think am I safe and do I need some barriers such as gloves or plastic bags before you move. And also you should look at their feelings. If their breath are difficult, you can use CPR to help them. The ways of CPR are different depending on who you are helping. If they are adults, please use two hands, if they are children, please use one hand and if they are infants, please just use two fingers.

He also mentioned that if a child is bleeding, we should use red bandages to cover the wound because they will be scare of death.

Finally, he said, in our country we will not be responsible for the death of the person we help. But in USA, the rule is different. Therefore, please give a hand when they need help.

All in all, first Aid is very important for everyone.

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